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V-day Style with a Streetwear Edge

This month we are happy to bring back the IMperfect Blog and our monthly newsletter (Don’t forget to subscribe on the website if you haven’t already!!) With Valentine’s Day around the corner we decided to round up the best V-day merch on for your viewing or PURCHASING pleasure ;-P. The best part? They're not your average cheesy v-day tee’s. Think Valentine Day with an edgy twist….

The Anti- Vday, Vday Shirt| “LOVE. LUST. LIES.” Sweatshirt
A tee that touches on the risks of love. If love is just a game for some, then no one is safe. It’s the perfect design to send a subliminal to your ex-lover. MWAHAHAHA.

The Subtly in Love Shirt | “Life’s Sleep, Love’s a Dream” Tee
A french poet once said, "If Life is Sleep, Love is a dream...And you have lived if you have loved.” Contrasting our “LOVE. LUST. LIES.” design, some play games with matters of the heart, while others are lucky enough to embrace of love.
Bonus, this tee is unisex and available in kids sizes as well. Perfect for the whole family.

Love Above All | “Love Wins” & “Love More” Tee
A tee created at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic in efforts to help encourage love and unity above all else. From a hoodie to a tank, this design can be suitable for every season and is also available in sizes for the entire fam.
Celebrate V-day with streetwear style this year!
*Most designs ship within 6-9 business days.
With V-day Love & Hugs,
The IMperfect Team