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The IMperfect Update...
The IMperfect Blog is back with all intentions of making this a monthly affair, like it was intended to be years ago! We won’t get into that, but to think there have been one too many missed opportunities to use this platform to share lots of exciting news over the last year. However, I am excited to recap some amazing things that have been going on…
If you didn’t know already earlier this year IMperfect Apparel launched an official capsule collection with one of the fastest growing fashion brands in the world, The collection was created to serve the everyday woman with an edge, From desk to dinner to a late night out with the girls. The intention behind the pieces were to take IA’s key elements and blend them with SHEIN’s flirty fun aesthetic. Please keep in mind this was my first officially manufactured collection ever, so I learned a lot in a VERY short amount of time. I may go into further in a video blog one day. But for now, I am forever grateful to SHEIN for the amazing opportunity and learning experience. The best part is that there are still a few more of my pieces from the collection left on, and they are perfect for the fall season.
Find all the pieces at the best prices HERE!
When the SHEIN collection came out I wanted to put a fashion show together SO bad. NYFW was coming up a month or two after my collections release, but ultimately due to time and funds, I wasn’t able to make it happen. I DID however put together a one of a kind virtual SHEIN X IMperfect fashion show to highlight each of the looks from the collection. Watch it Below!
But life has a funny way of working things out for you when you least expect it and in August I landed a wonderful opportunity to participate in NYFW showcasing my SHEIN X collection along with other new items. Like working with SHEIN, doing the show was a whirlwind of an experience that I stressed yet still enjoyed ALMOST every minute of. I not only created about 6 new looks but also revamped a few of SHEIN looks as well all in a few weeks time. See the looks fresh off the runway!
SO, I think I’ve recapped some of the most important highlights. However I am vowing to be back sooner than later to update you not only on the latest in IA fashions, but style forecasts, streetwear trends, and much more.
For now follow along my socials to keep up with all the latest behind the scenes and real time alerts for my LIVE try-on's, including the LIVE i'll be hosting tomorrow for our END OF SEASON sale week. FOLLOW MY SOCIALS!
Until Next Time,
Dani Elle Moore 💖